Monday, August 31, 2015

The Covenant Read-a-Long - Epic Fail

I must apologize for this read-a-long not happening the way it was supposed to. The reasons are many, but the main ones would be 1) this was not a good book to read during summer and 2) I could NOT get into this book! I loved the prologue, but then I was just no longer engaged. I know I will pick it up again someday, but this was not a good one for a read-a-long.

I didn't get much response on this read-a-long so hopefully not too many people joined in so it will be less people I've disappointed. I hope you will forgive me.

If there are any of Michener's books that you haven't read and would like to suggest for a read-a-long/group read, let me know in the comments and we can discuss when the best time would be to have one. Probably in the new year when all the scary Fall and November/December holiday reading is past.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The MEGA PRC Read-a-Long - The Covenant Reading Schedule

If you're running behind, don't worry...I am too. Should be ready to discuss the first two parts (see below), pages 3 - 498, on Monday, August 3 (Saturday is not a good discussion day for me). Please leave me a comment if you have any questions.

Today we start reading The Covenant for the MEGA read-a-long. Are you ready to start? Whew! This book is daunting, but I can't wait to dive in. I've been too long away from Michener. Let's do this!

July 1 - 15: Read pages 3 - 216/Prologue - Ch. IV: The Huguenots
July 16: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener Challenge blog
July 16 - 31: Read pages 217 - 498/Ch. V: The Trekboers - Ch. VIII: The Voortrekkers
Aug. 3: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog
Aug. 1 - 15: Read pages 499 - 735/Ch. IX: The Englishmen - Ch. XII: Achievement of a Puritan
Aug. 16: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog
Aug. 16 - 31: Read pages 736 through end (pg. 873)/Ch. XIII: Apartheid - Ch. XIV: Diamonds
Sept. 1 and 2: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog

Monday, June 1, 2015

The MEGA Perpetual Reading Challenge Read-a-Long - The Covenant

In order to increase group interaction (and participation) within this reading challenge, as well as the three other perpetual challenges I host, I've decided to host this MEGA read-a-long event. For The Michener Challenge part of the read-a-long, which is coming in July and August, I chose The Covenant. Feel free to join in on the other read-a-longs. You do not have to sign up for the other reading challenges to join in on the read-a-longs.

The hub for the entire event will be at my The True Book Addict blog but the individual read-a-longs will be hosted at their respective blogs (I will list those below). The Covenant read-a-long will be hosted here at The Michener Challenge blog. Look for a page in the menu at The True Book Addict which serves as this MEGA read-a-long's hub.

So, here is the schedule of read-a-longs and their respective blog urls:

June 2015: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray - hosted at The Fantasy Project blog (read-a-long schedule is posted there) and in Goodreads group.

July/August 2015: The Covenant by James A. Michener - hosted at The Michener Challenge blog.

September 2015: The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice - hosted at The Never-Ending Anne Rice Challenge blog.

October 2015: Salem's Lot by Stephen King - hosted at The Stephen King Challenge blog.

The reading and discussion schedule for The Covenant will be coming soon. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or comments.