Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The MEGA PRC Read-a-Long - The Covenant Reading Schedule

If you're running behind, don't worry...I am too. Should be ready to discuss the first two parts (see below), pages 3 - 498, on Monday, August 3 (Saturday is not a good discussion day for me). Please leave me a comment if you have any questions.

Today we start reading The Covenant for the MEGA read-a-long. Are you ready to start? Whew! This book is daunting, but I can't wait to dive in. I've been too long away from Michener. Let's do this!

July 1 - 15: Read pages 3 - 216/Prologue - Ch. IV: The Huguenots
July 16: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener Challenge blog
July 16 - 31: Read pages 217 - 498/Ch. V: The Trekboers - Ch. VIII: The Voortrekkers
Aug. 3: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog
Aug. 1 - 15: Read pages 499 - 735/Ch. IX: The Englishmen - Ch. XII: Achievement of a Puritan
Aug. 16: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog
Aug. 16 - 31: Read pages 736 through end (pg. 873)/Ch. XIII: Apartheid - Ch. XIV: Diamonds
Sept. 1 and 2: Stop by and discuss at the James Michener blog